Sport Integrity Australia - Anti Doping

NSW BIATHLON strongly encourages all its members to ensure that they are aware of and have aN understanding of requiriements in regards to anti-doping.

Sport Integrity Australia is Australia’s national anti-doping organisation and is responsible for implementing an effective program consistent with international requirements and Australian legislation.

SIA's vision is clean, fair sport.

Click here to visit and become familiar with SIA's website and keep up to date with the responsibility to ensure a drug-free competition environment.

NSW Biathlon Anti-Doping Policy - adoption of Biathlon Australia 

Click here  to read Biathlon Australia’s Anti-Doping Education Plan.  

SIA Education and e-Learning

All members of Australia’s sporting community can now access a range of anti-doping education programmes and contribute to protecting our national sporting integrity.

SIA's eLearning is a free and easy-to-use on-line education tool with course, videos and learning updates.

Click here for SIA's Anti-doping programs and resources webpage

Click here to get started with SIA's eLearning for parents, coaches, athletes

SIA Doping prevention: education by athletes for athletes

Part of being a great athlete is being able to perform your best, even under pressure. But sometimes that pressure can also make you wonder whether you need something ‘extra’ to help you perform, and ultimately lead to doping.

There can be other triggers too and SIA recognises that the decision to dope is rarely black and white.

Click here for more information about SIA's education by athletes for athletes. 

SIA have put together a collection of videos about doping developed by athletes, for athletes.

Check Your Substances

Check Your Substances is an online tool that enables athletes to find out whether the most commonly prescribed, over-the-counter and complementary medicines in Australia are permitted or prohibited in their sport.

Click here to Check Your Substances


SIA's long standing advice is than no supplement is safe to use and athletes should not risk their careers by taking a supplement. Supplements can contaminated with substances which are prohibited in sport and may not be listed on ingredient labels.

While SIA recognises there may be circumstances where supplements are taken by athletes, the advise is to only use supplements which have been screened for prohibited substances by an independent company.

Click here for further information regarding supplements

Prohibited Substances and Methods

Biathlon is a sport governed by the World Ant-Doping code and athletes competing in biathlon need to be aware they can’t just take any drug or mediation.

Each year the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) updates and publishes a Prohibited List. The Prohibited List is the international standard that outlines the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport.

Click here to read the World Anti-Doping Code

Click here for further information regarding the Prohibited List please

Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE)

Athletes may at times need to use a prohibited medication to treat a legitimate medical condition. A TUE is an exemption that allows an athlete to use, for therapeutic purposes only, an otherwise prohibited substance or method (of administering a substance) which may be present during competition.

Click here for further information regarding TUE’s.

Report doping confidentially

You can help protect the integrity of Australian sport by reporting doping activities.

SIA has an reporting tool on their website where you can report doping in your sport. ASADA legislation ensures that all information you provide and your personal details are treated with the strictest confidence.

Click here for further information on reporting doping.

Alternatively you can ring or email SIA via the following:

Phone: 13 000 27232


General Enquiries

If you have any questions regarding anti-doping please contact ASADA via the following:

Phone: 13 000 27232. If calling from outside Australia call: +61 2 6222 4200
