Laser Biathlon

Laser Biathlon 

Laser biathlon uses electronic laser rifles and is suitable for all ages. It is exempt from firearms regulations in NSW, Victoria and QLD and permissible with a permit in ACT. 

The member Clubs and Associations of Biathlon East Australia are the authoirsed peak bodies for the use of electronic laser (electronic) biathlon equipment in their state. These are:

NSW:  NSW Biathlon Association

VIC:  East Gippsland Biathlon Club / East Australia Biathlon Club

ACT: Biathlon ACT

QLD: QLD Biathlon 

Laser biathlon activities and events can be held almost anywhere, using mountain bikes, running and even soccer balls and cones!

Biathlon East Australia uses APEOM laser biathlon  from the Czech Republic for summer and on-snow biathlon activties including at the 50m Perisher Valley Laser Biathlon Range. 

Biahlon East Australia has developed Policies to ensure the use of laser biathlon electronic systems under its guidance are safe, comply with the Firearms Registry requirements of each State. 

There are a range of programs available for interested participants including Introductory, Recreational, Development, Performance and Masters. Laser Programs can be specifically designed for schools and include the provision of laser (electronic) biathlon systems and training for teachers, parents and others in the safe use of equipment.

Watch the video below for ideas on how hold laser biathlon activities and events.

For more information please email